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2022.04 - A BASE (Lisboa)

exposição coletiva

One, Nobody and One Hundred Thousand

In my artistic practice, I resort to the use of different technical and formal solutions that result in an eclectic, multiple body of work divided into several simultaneous fronts that, among them, often only have in common the organization and method with which I work.

There is an inconsistency that is absolutely natural to me, where I assume the denial of having my own style, opting for the absence of formal homogeneity, as opposed to the absolute relevance of the conceptual in each creative process.

The title of this exhibition is that of a book by Pirandello whose narrative, like the my drawings here showned, fit well into this preamble. .

The criteria we used for the selection of my drawings took into account, on the one hand, selecting small-scale drawings, thus ensuring a better framework in the exhibition space of the Ante-Sala d’A BASE and, on the other hand, the dialogue that will inevitably exist with the strong impact works of Pedro Cordeiro Freire and R.T. Snott, that will collectively present their work in the adjoining Salão.

With the exception of one, all the drawings I'm going to present were produced in the last six months.



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